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artillery fire 炮火,炮擊。

In order to improve the accuracy of artillery fire corrections , this essay , having been integrated with the project “ research on how to determine the muzzle velocity reduction of the piece “ issued by the arms department of the general staff headquarters of pla , deals with a new method of measuring the muzzle velocity reduction of the piece 部隊測定火炮初速減退量的傳統方法是藥室增長量法。該方法已不能滿足現代炮兵精確火力打擊要求。為提高炮兵射擊修正精度,本文結合總參兵種部下達的“確定火炮初速減退量方法研究”項目,研究了一種測定火炮初速減退量的新方法。

According to the development of “ artillery command automation system “ and “ artillery fire control simulator “ , after theoretical analysis and investigating , the paper has established auxiliary decision - making expert model and assessing model of artiller > “ unit fire control . some models of which have been applied 本文根據炮兵指揮自動化系統和炮兵射擊訓練模擬系統的發展要求,通過理論分析和調研,建立了輔助決策專家模型和炮兵分隊射擊指揮評估模型,并將其中一些模型應用到相關課題中。

It is proved that models can be a guidance to the exploration of “ artillery command automation system “ and “ artillery fire control simulator “ 實踐表明,這些模型對炮兵指揮自動化系統和炮兵射擊指揮模擬系統的研制設計具有一定的指導作用。

artillery park

This article , with a view to the concept of artillery fire direction training simulation and emulation and requirements of system simulation function , mainly establishes various models needed in artillery fire direction training simulation system emulation by means of qualitative and quantitative analysis , including : fire direction model , battle field effect model , system control model , training evaluation model , battle field view display model , mutual data protocol and so on 本文從炮兵射擊指揮訓練模擬仿真概念及系統模擬功能要求入手,通過定性定量分析,著重建立了炮兵射擊指揮訓練模擬系統仿真中各種模型,其中包括射擊指揮模型、戰場效果模型、系統控制模型、訓練評估模型、戰場視景顯示模型及數據交互協議等。

In order to improve the accuracy of artillery fire corrections , this essay , having been integrated with the project “ research on how to determine the muzzle velocity reduction of the piece “ issued by the arms department of the general staff headquarters of pla , deals with a new method of measuring the muzzle velocity reduction of the piece 部隊測定火炮初速減退量的傳統方法是藥室增長量法。該方法已不能滿足現代炮兵精確火力打擊要求。為提高炮兵射擊修正精度,本文結合總參兵種部下達的“確定火炮初速減退量方法研究”項目,研究了一種測定火炮初速減退量的新方法。

Examples of bad cooperation are when forces are hit by their own air support , artillery fires at empty fields , the infantry is overrun by tanks , the tanks are ambushed by infantry in the woods or in urban areas , encirclement attempts fail , there ' s plenty of intelligence that doesn ' t help at all , fighter escorts and warship escorts are so far away when they ' re urgently needed , the tanks run out of fuel , and supplies are air - dropped right to the hands of the enemy 一些配合不好的例子如,在自己的炮火空領域部隊擊中自己的空中支援,步兵走位失誤,坦克開到灌木叢或者泥沼地,圍堵的嘗試都失敗了,還有大量的情報都是無效的.戰斗機和護衛艦護送過遠,以及前線急需的燃油補給等都空投給了敵人

According to the development of “ artillery command automation system “ and “ artillery fire control simulator “ , after theoretical analysis and investigating , the paper has established auxiliary decision - making expert model and assessing model of artiller > “ unit fire control . some models of which have been applied 本文根據炮兵指揮自動化系統和炮兵射擊訓練模擬系統的發展要求,通過理論分析和調研,建立了輔助決策專家模型和炮兵分隊射擊指揮評估模型,并將其中一些模型應用到相關課題中。

Auto artillery fire direction system is the prerequisite and the material basis for the artillery troops to wage the future information warfare . along with the arrival of the information age , such system will play a more and more important role in hi - tech war 炮兵指揮自動化系統是進行未來炮兵信息戰爭的前提和物質基礎,隨著信息時代的到來,炮兵指揮自動化系統在高科技戰爭中的地位越來越重要。

During the battle , the russian cavalry was routed and had to flee towards the lines of the russian infantrymen but these , confused by clouds of dust and gun smoke , mistook them for the prussians and opened artillery fire 戰爭時,俄國騎兵大敗,向俄國步兵陣營潰逃,不料那些步兵被塵頭和硝煙迷了眼睛,以為他們是普魯士軍隊,向他們開炮轟擊。

In conclusion , it puts forward patterns of realizing simulation and emulation and offers effective methods for artillery fire direction training simulation and emulation system 論文最后提出了模擬仿真實現的形式,為炮兵射擊指揮訓練模擬仿真系統的建立提供了有效的方法。

They ' d breach the water like great whales , then slowly open while taking heavy artillery fire from shore batteries , until at last your tanks and troops would pour out 他們就像大鯨魚一樣穿過海水,然后在受到海岸的重炮擊時慢慢的打開艙門,最后你的坦克和軍隊被吐了出來。

Prince andreys regiment was in the reserves , which were until two oclock stationed behind semyonovskoye in complete inaction , under a hot artillery fire 安德烈公爵的團留在后備隊,直到下午一點鐘,后備隊仍然在猛烈的炮火下駐守在謝苗諾夫斯科耶村后面,沒有行動。

It is proved that models can be a guidance to the exploration of “ artillery command automation system “ and “ artillery fire control simulator “ 實踐表明,這些模型對炮兵指揮自動化系統和炮兵射擊指揮模擬系統的研制設計具有一定的指導作用。

Researches on artillery fire direction simulation and emulation mean simulating the reality of operations for military training by means of computer technology 炮兵射擊指揮訓練模擬仿真研究就是利用計算機技術模擬實戰環境來進行軍事訓練。

One of the artillery fire direction supports - the survey support - has become an important factor to hinder the artillery rapid reaction capability 作為炮兵指揮保障內容之一的測地保障已經成了制約炮兵快速反應能力的一個重要因素。

There are several areas where the former use as an artillery firing range have removed the thin surface vegetation and allowed rainwater to wash out soil 若干地區之前曾用作操炮區,表面植被被移走以致雨水沖刷土壤。

As night fell , the streets emptied and tank and artillery fire boomed on the western bank of the tigris river . a loud booming voice 夜幕降臨后,街上空無一人,在底格里斯河西岸還有坦克和火炮開火的隆隆聲。

As night fell , the streets emptied and tank and artillery fire boomed on the western bank of the tigris river 夜幕降臨后,街上空無一人,在底格里斯河西岸還有坦克和火炮開火的隆隆聲。

Palestinian medics say israeli artillery fire killed five people in a northern gaza town today ( monday ) 巴勒斯坦緊急救援人員說,以色列炮火星期一在加沙北部一個城鎮造成五人死亡。